Florence taps into all your senses. The beautiful architecture and art, the delicious food, the smells coming from the many restaurants on each block, the touch and smell of leather on every street, and the mesmerizing sounds of the church bells and street performers.

You can feel the energy as you walk around this amazing city. I had a schoolgirls giggle when I looked at Brad and said, ‘we are in Florence, Italy!!’ I wish I could bottle it all up and send it to you. An experience you would never forget.

If you love culture, you must come to Florence. There are so many places to see incredible art. Artists from Leonardo di Vinci to Michelangelo to Raphael to Donatello; you will have a feast for your eyes. No…they are not the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, but the greats when it comes to Renaissance Art.

I know there is so much to see and do in Florence so I will try to spread the trip over a few days so not to flood this post. Now it is time to refuel the body and mind with some rest.

Buona sera!